“We’ve Considered That” 11.28.16

“We’ve Considered That” 11.28.16

Posted by on Nov 28, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by announcing that Steve the rat is dead, but Jodi still lives on.  Don and Little Joe start to discuss the Christmas Story before Don asks if there’s ever been a Christmas Story porn made?  Don gave us an update on his brother Jimmy.  Don then told us why he now knows what a zester is.  Don told us why Fidel Castro does not belong in the Florence Henderson/Ron Glass trifecta.  Don told us how they celebrated Bishop turning a year old.  Don shared with us how John Madden’s dislike for Thursday Night Football might actually make the league consider dropping Thursday’s games.  Don played for us his least favorite Apple commercial.  Don and Little Joe argued the best way to keep time for West Coast teams playing East Coast games, and then Don called the Arizona Cardinals to pitch them his time management idea.  The boys had a phone scan highlighted with 2 Irish lesbians.


Don had his random clips including some Black Friday fights and a couple brothers causing trouble in a Walmart with a dirt bike and a cape.  And in honor of Jimi Hendrix birthday yesterday, the boys closed the show with “The Wind Cries Mary”.