“To Wear or Not To Wear?” 08.11.17

“To Wear or Not To Wear?” 08.11.17

Posted by on Aug 11, 2017 in Announcements |

Today on the Don Geronimo Show…

Don tells us why he would not do a show if the world was coming to an end.

Don and Little Joe debate if grown men should wear jerseys.

Sean Salisbury joined the boys, talked Ezekiel Elliott, rookie QBs, and gave his opinion on the jersey debate.

Don talked about the DJ accused of groping Taylor Swift’s ass. 

In today’s “Beastiality Corner” Don shared with us the story of 15 boys and 1 donkey.

Don made a call to the “Walmart of The Day”.

Don told us why Journey might be breaking up.

The boys had a phone scan before Don got to his random news including a new movie about televised suicide.

And in honor of Journey in the news, they closed the show with “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'”.

Kevin Kronic joined the boys for the bonus hour, where they watched “wacky porn”.

And they closed the bonus hour with Three Dog Night and “Mama Told Me (Not To Come)”