“Frank Caliendo” 11.4.16

“Frank Caliendo” 11.4.16

Posted by on Nov 4, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by thanking Big Russ for the addition of the security guard keeping the homeless away from the studio.  Don and Little Joe then discuss the latest restaurant addition to their strip mall…which leads the boys to talk about which spot in California is the most likely to be hit by terrorists.  In preparation for Kevin Kronic’s return the OT show, Don shares with us the story of a DJ who went drug mule on a radio trip.  Little Joe finally has seen 60 Days In which leads them to discuss A&E’s line up of shows including Leah Remini’s Scientology show.  Don then talked about how he thinks Al Michaels hates calling the Thursday Night games, which reminded Little Joe about the time he wrote on Al Michael’s jacket.  Little Joe then told us how he once witnessed Leslie Visser tried to get with Charlie Batch.  Don welcomed Sean Salisbury back to the show where Sean talks about the weak QB play in the NFL and how lucky Cam Newton is that he’s not playing 20 years ago.  Don then told us who was once rumored to of had an affair with Leslie Visser.  Don then welcomed comedian Frank Caliendo to the show.  While on, Frank told the boys how he’s taking acting lessons to try more serious roles before dramatically picking this weeks NFL games.  Little Joe then told us which celebrity he looks like, which Don laughs at.  The boys had a very bizarre and funny phone scan ranging from the Finger Guy to Steve Bryant, just before closing the show.


Don kicked off the bonus show by welcoming Kevin Kronic (www.KronicTalk.com) back from Mexico.  We hear all about his trip, plus find out what Kevin his tattooed on his stomach.  Don and the boys then continued the ongoing discussion of which celebrity Little Joe looks like.