Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by telling us he has to jump on a Southwest plane to head to LA, so he’ll only be there for half the show. This reminds Little Joe about the call he received last night from Southwest, in which Little Joe made them hang up on him. Don and Joe then discussed robocalls…which leads to Don talking about HBO’s Westworld. Little Joe asks Don if he’s upset over the Supergirl crossover, because many fans are. Don talked about Leah Remini and her new Scientology show on A&E, which inspires Don and Little Joe to talk about the success of King of Queens and which sitcoms have found syndication success and which ones haven’t. Don called Nate Shrek to ask him about a tweet he sent the boys. Little Joe revisited the time he had a JO race against a buddy of his, again. The boys then played a video of Jerry Jones calling Dak Prescott “Daddy” and Dak saying he’s not sure what Jerry meant. Don took off, giving Little Joe control. Little Joe talked about Mayweather vs. McGregor, played audio of drunk Dolphin fans fighting Niner fans, and 2 women getting into a demolition derby in parking lot. Little Joe also talked about the state of music today before playing a phone scan. And in honor of Billy Idol turning 60, LJ closed the show with “Rebel...
Read More“Who’s Your Daddy?” 11.30.16