“Build The Wall!” 08.08.17

“Build The Wall!” 08.08.17

Posted by on Aug 8, 2017 in Announcements |

Today on the Don Geronimo Show…

Don starts off by announcing to the non-subscribers, the wall is going back up…the gravy train is over!

Don criticized Jay Cutler’s attitude before telling 2 great stories of 2 football legends.

Don told us why he doesn’t like Facebook.

Don shared a story about when he once thrashed a competing radio stations studio.

Aaron in Atlanta called the show to tell the boys, he’s still alive!

Don and Little Joe talked about the movie Autofocus and asked what’s happened to Greg Kinnear.

Don told us why he loves “We” TV and the jingles that they play.

Don talked about Cumia vs. Stewart.

Don called Vinny Bucci to see how life’s treating him.

The boys had a phone scan before Don got to his random news including a surfer vs. a lifeguard.

And the boys closed the show with NSYNC and “Bye Bye Bye”.