Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by addressing the mic issues and blaming it on the time change. Don then went on to complain about the time change, letting us know how much he hates it. He then calls a North Korean restaurant in New York to let them know that he approves of how North Korea runs their time. Don gave us an update on his new favorite show, Westworld. Don then went on to tell us he believes the election will NOT be over tomorrow. Little Joe informed us that he has a flat tire, which Don blamed on the time change. Don talked about the Squirrel that dominated the Pakers/Colts game. Don then heard from Josh from Wisconsin to hear about his “church” date with Don’s brother Jimmy. Don then called Jimmy to hear how he’s the Messiah of Knutes Bar & Grill. Don then talked about the Twitter war between the Masked Tweeter and Ron Howard. Little Joe told us that his DJing gig in Tahoe Friday was proof that he looks like Justin Timberlake. Don shared a story with us for a “Son of the Year” candidate. Don then played us the latest comedy bites from Frankie MacDonald and the Greaseman. And in on of Lorde turning 20, the boys closed the show with...
Read More“Turn Back Time” 11.7.16