“You Can Pick Your Nose, Your Friends, Your Fantasy Team” 9.10.15

Posted by on Sep 10, 2015 in Announcements |

After a few team songs, the 2015 DGS Fantasy Draft begins!
The teams include Don, Phantom, Stones, Kristina Werner, Aaron From Baltimore, Blind Neal, In Romo We Trust, and Jerkman (with picking done by superfan Bruce Utzig).
Order of the draft by random number selection.
The Bloody Mary bar is open!
Utzig also brought his own smoothie drinks, he is pouring rum in the blender.
2 Hours later, it’s pretty much done. The room wreaks of root beer and cheese. It is 102 degrees outside, and even with the A/C cranked it was 75 in the studio with all the people close in together.
All that’s left is to pick the league name, and we are ready for tonight’s kickoff!

We’ll be back with our normal show tomorrow morning, including our Pick The Pros segment with our first guest picker of 2015!

Closing Song: Chicago Bears Shuffle / Chicago Bears
Total Show Run Time: 2:08
