A few false starts today with a few audio snafus. By the third re-start, all was fine!
Woman who fell in love with a tree and has sex with it.
Don wonders about that woman getting poison ivy in her vaginal area.
A listener send in a version of “Questions 67 & 68” by Chicago in Japanese.
Ashley Judd vs Twitter, and she brings it up a notch.
A call to Brother Jim! He discusses many topics, and ends by telling the guys he’s taking three Percocets before his drug test at work today. (You have to listen to understand this one.)
LISTENER VOICE MAIL SEGMENT! – Many great, offbeat calls. And in an upset, the Frank Underwood call did not win (fake naughty nurses did) !You can win the DGS LobsterBib tomorrow by calling today, or any old time!
ISIS propoganga video.
Shawn King vs Piers Morgan.
Mexican wrestler killed in the ring.
* Security upped after threat on Obama’s niece during woman’s NCAA game
* NFL suspending blackout rules for 2015
* NFL will put on London based game on Google or Apple or Netflix soon
* NFL considers moving the Pro Bowl to Brazil
* Jogger struck and injured by David Crosby
* AJ Pero, drummer for Twisted Sister died on Friday
* Will Kathy Griffin host the View?
* Mo’ne Davis turns the other cheek
* More casting for the OJ tv movie
* FCC gives out biggest fine ever to Roakoke, Va tv station
* Burger King bring back Chicken Fries for good
* Difference between “yenta” and “shiva”
Closing Song : Julie Do Ya Love Me / Bobby Sherman
Total Show Run Time: 2:42