“The Cos and Penthouse” 5.12.15

Posted by on May 12, 2015 in Announcements |

What a start to the show. Welcome aboard, Stones. Time for your first punishment.
Is the @MaskedTweeter X losing it?
Phantom reads Penthouse letters as Cosby! -tomorrow, gay porno-
NFL teams who took money for “support our troops” promotions.
A listen to a set of comedy from Vinnie from the Boochast, the guys rate his performance.
Guns N Roses, did they steal “Sweet Child Of Mine?”
AN EXCITING PHONE SCAN with quite a few good calls, our winner was the call about Hitler having only one ball. Win your DGS LobsterBib by calling anytime today!
The ballad, “Hitler Has Only One Ball” circa 1938.
Did Hitler have a three way? We don’t know, Don screwed up the story.
HS teacher flips out and goes racist while on a PA. And her “apology”.
Some discussion of Matthew Perry, Johnah Hill and Penny Marshall, all spotted as being uber fat in the Enquirer.
* Tom Brady suspended four games
* George Zimmerman involved in another shooting incident
* Did SNL steal the sketch about Muhammad cartoon contest from Canadian tv?
* American Idol cancelled, last season next year
* All the Fox upfront news
* CBS upfronts, cancellations
* Spotify has picked the moment in our lives when we chose the music we like best
* Starbucks not libel for some idiot spilling his coffee
* Olive Garden presents breadsticks with chicken or meatballs in the middle
* 179 million $ for a Picasso painting

Closing Song: Go All The Way / Rasberries
Total Show Run Time: 2:54
