“The Black Peter – Aunt Lola Xmas Special 2015” 12.18.15

Posted by on Dec 18, 2015 in Announcements |

Final show of 2015!
Discussion of the ‘sex’ episode of Big Bang Theory.
No final sexy Santa story from Luke in China..at least not one that WE are going to read.
Many favorite Xmas songs, many never heard on the show before.
The Aunt Lola Xmas story!
The Black Pete Xmas story!
Star Wars mayonaise? Star Wars bowling balls? star Wars fishing poles? Yes, yes, and yes.
The Beatles Xmas records 1963-1969!
The final PhoneScan of 2015! Make 2016 the year YOU call the show! Our lines are open during the entire holiday season, so call early AND often!
An in studio visit from “Santa” Stones!
Tom Brady on Trump.
Trump on Jimmy Kimmel.
A 12 year old steals an 89 year old’s car. And it is his 20th arrest.
* Installing metal detectors at Disney
* Friend of the San Bernandino killers charged with unlawful purchase of two assault rifles used in
the attack
* A NY pizza owner admitted he was trying to recruit fighters for the Islamic State in Syria
* Don reviews ALL the holiday release movies he hans’t seen yet (including Star Wars)
* How much do all the Obama vacations cost?
* Lifelock pays $100mil to settle charges it failed to protect it customers’ data

Closing Song: Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) / Darlene Love
Total Show Run Time: 2:51

Image #: 14975115    Flavor Flav Book Signing - Las Vegas. Public Enemy Band Member And Reality TV Star Flavour Flav signs copies of his book "Flavor Flav: The Icon The Memoir" at the Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas URN:11351163       PA PHOTOS /LANDOV

Image #: 14975115 Flavor Flav Book Signing – Las Vegas. Public Enemy Band Member And Reality TV Star Flavour Flav signs copies of his book “Flavor Flav: The Icon The Memoir” at the Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas URN:11351163 PA PHOTOS /LANDOV