Forgotten 45: Stay With Me / Faces
Opening Song: Candy / Cameo
Don debates playing a soundbaord of James Earl Jones or Reverend Manning during the opening after yesterday’s events in Ferguson
Don then plays the soundboards anyway
Who is more at fault, the protesters or the media? And why are people lining up in Sacramento? Thx Carmichael Dave for your tweets
Don does not think that was the greatest NFL catch of all time, from SNF. He has nothing to back it up tho
Cosby allegations by the Letterman show, Cos made female interns watch him eat curry?
Don has been followed on Twitter by Norman Lear. It does not make Don feel any better about a Latino version of All In The Family
Lilly Allen tells Bob Geldof to go scratch
Quiz, what kind of a holiday dunk are you?
Holiday tapes: Schwetty Balls & Darla Jay KC radio ECB call
Playstation ad pulled from internet, Xbox has a better one
Joey Chestnut eats turkey, too
Phantom News & Comment: More Furgeson news, Kirk Cameron’s new movie no one likes, and George Michael RIP
Closing Song: Sleeping Bag / ZZ Top
Today’s Show Time: 2:267