Show Recap Thur 2.19.15

Show Recap Thur 2.19.15

Posted by on Feb 19, 2015 in Announcements |


Opening Song: My Girl (Gone Gone Gone) / Chilliwack

LIGHTS, CAMERA, NO ACTION! Cameras delayed a few days due to some tech issues we’re working out.
What is up with Hannah Storm’s “F-Me” stance during stand up shots on ESPN?
A listener sent in a clean copy of his remix with Frankie McDonald and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Well done!
Bruce Jenner’s rumored surgery, and the details about what to do with his penis.
A great list about who can and can’t get a reservation ay NYC’s top eateries between Brian Williams, his daughter, and Geraldo. A phone call to 911 and then to The Dirty French to see what’s up.
VOICE MAIL TIME! Many good calls today, but for two days in a row no one emerged as Call O The Day worthy. Don did cheer for the Frank Gifford call, but not enough sentiment to carry the room.
Call today for tomorrow’s show and maybe someone will win the DGS LobsterBib!
Some warm up Foreign Or Domestic calls to a few Steak & Shake locations in Indianapolis.
The guys start debating the greatest three man band ever, Phantom goes with Cream, Don is for ZZ Top.
Pat Robertson and something about Facebook demons.
Chris Elliott now belongs to Jimmy Kimmell.
Geraldo speaks for black and brown people.
Phantom News & Comment Hi Lites: Norm McDonald’s Twitter feed about SNL40 and Eddie Murphy, and a look at last week’s Neilsen ratings in which SNL 40 was #1. Vanilla Ice charged with home burglary, and Two And A Half Men’s final secret taping of the final episode. Under Armour is using the image of Muhammad Ali on it’s merchandise, which leads to some of Ali’s greatest TV commercials ever. And Little Caesars intros their bacon wrapped pizza crust.

Closing Song: Beautiful Girls / Van Halen
Total Show Run Time: 3:04
