Forgotten 45 : Locomotive Breath / Jethro Tull
Phantom’s very romantic anniversary dinner with the Missus, and the dessert factor.
Don ate at Sizzler with 16 people with oxygen tanks.
Don watched some of the Grammys, Phant did not. Don doesn’t understand the pairings, like his favorite Jeff Lynne with Ed Sheenhan. Also Don didn’t care for President Obama’s anti domestic violence message during the broadcast, it harshed his mellow.
Luke from Chine send in video (with translation) of the Hand Angels in Japan.
Brian Williams, did he lie about saving a dog from a burning bldg, too?
Grandparents watch porno with virtual reality helmets on.
This guy is on Mojo! Get hims some milk!
Neighbors mad about blowing snow video.
LISTENER VOICE MAIL TIME! Running late today, so just a half dozen calls, but it was close. Today’s winner of the DGS LobsterBib is the guy who called snoring!
Is tomorrow YOUR day? Call, listen, win!
Phantom News&Comment Hi Lites: Grammy review, hey Glen Campbell won one! Chipolte apologizes for Nazi tweets this weekend, and Bill Cosby cancels shows in Boston. Because of the weather. Sponge Bob 2 beat American Sniper at the box office, and more on the Bruce Jenner car crash. No news on Bobbi Kristini Brown, and Rosie O’Donnell is leaving the View, again.
Closing Song: By The Time I Get To Phoenix / Glen Campbell
Total Show Run Time: 2:48