Forgotten 45 : Wild Wild Life / Talking Heads
There is discussion of Tom Brady’s balls to start the show.
Then some talk of measles at DisneyLand, who saw that coming?!?
Don and James had a meeting at Peet’s Coffee yesterday and saw a guy watching porn on his laptop as he sipped his coffee.
A new jingle from the @MaskedTweeterX about Steve and the Kings. Great job, X!
A decision about who is the show’s official #1 fan, and a call from Judge Janet on site in Pa for her Mom’s 80th birthday.
Some discussion of Dennis Murphy, and if he could roll a joint or churn butter or go fly fishing.
That leads to Invisible Don wants to buy this app for Dennis.
Celebs who backed Leno vs Conan 5 years ago, and a visit from Dirty Jay Leno. And his off color rape jokes, ala Cosby.
A spirited session of VoiceMails, including a tribute to DavidDavid Haines from 105 WAVA.
Remember to call early and often all weekend long!
The Vajankle. That is all.
A visit with the man who paints with his penis, Pricasso.
Phantom News & Comment hi-lites: The Marlboro Man is dead! The Super Bowl is evolving into a puppy bowl of marketing, Paula Abdul returns to judging on tv on So You Think You Can Dance. Car’s Jr’s new racy super bowl ad, the guys discuss Marshawn Lynch grabbing his crotch, and Don reviews this weekend’s new movies without having seen them.
Closing Song : Sky High / Jigsaw *request for Bene
Total Show Run Time : 2:37