Opening Song: 25 Or 6 To 4 / Chicago
Follow up on the anchor lady from Cleveland Fox 8 about her using the word “jigaboo” and her even dumber apology.
Live from Maryland, Dennis GaGa sings “The Sound Of Music.” Cringe worthy stuff.
Some email follow ups, including a rendition of Phantom doing “Blow Job Betty” from Luke at the fan site.
Don’s thoughts on ISIS, and if America should go in with both guns blazing. And then the guys watch an ISIS recruiting video that is less than well produced.
Calls to Brooklyn, NY Synagogs to follow up on yesterday’s story about oral sucking circumcisions. This turns into a session of Jew 2 Jew.
LISTENER VOICE MAIL time, and a GREAT batch of calls. Our winner gets a DGS LobsterBib!
844-818-1140! Call, hear yourself tomorrow. Even if you don’t think you are qualified to call, it doesn’t stop all these other people from calling, so why not you?
KABC anchor and sphincter talk.
BBC News, a woman on a city council has no regrets over saying she does not care for people with negroid features.
Ken Jennings kick ass again on Jeopardy, and Phantom does well playing along. Don is stumped.
Phantom News & Comment Hi Lites: Smallest Oscar audience in 6 years, and Birdman is going back into release. The Oscar folks say Joan Rivers was mention on their web site, BFD. A Fight Club comic book is being released, and there is no new news on Bobbi Kristina Brown. Kristi Capel of Fox 8 in Cleveland tries apologizing for her “jigaboo” comments, and Michael Phelps is engaged. Going to Disneyland is getting more expensive, and Krispy Kreme is giving away donuts today.
Closing Song: I Just Can’t Stop Dancing / Archie Bell & The Drells
Total Show Run Time: 2:40