Why did Phantom sit in his car with his hands over his face after the show yesterday?
Some discussion of Millenials, is Bart one? No, he’s Gen X. And Bart and Nicole just bought a car, Don and Janet were proud of the way Bart made the deal. And then Don remembered the 1977 Toyta Celica he bought at sticker price and later was reposessed. Good times.
Possibly the Greatest Wal Mart fight ever. Two white trash Moms and one involves her son.
Stones follow up call to the Butterfly liner line. Today we meet Renee, who tells Stones a lot about her past.
A new Vinnie Booch soundboard, and a few hi lites from his most recent show after he appeared here.
A Wonderful PHONE SCAN, many great calls, yet in his infinite wisdom Phantom awarded the DGS LobsterBib to Don for his commentary about Irene Glickman’s tweets about Masked Tweeter X. Get your call in NOW for tomorrow’s phone scan! Our lines are open 24/7 and we are READY TO BELIEVE YOU
A vet spray paints Pearl Harbor day on a Japanese car and gets his ass beat.
A Warriors fan hits a half court shot and wins a BMW.
The man with no penis on TLC?
* Follow up about TLC’s Pan With No Penis, it won’t air?
* Two inmates still on the run from the prison break in New York state
* Caitlyn Jenner still with legal battles over car crash in Malibu
* Toronto is having an orgy for disabled people
* The Duggars sisters go on Fox News to say we are overreacting to all this
* Looks like Brian Williams will be out at NBC
* Jerry Seinfeld avoids doing college shows because kids today are “too PC”
* Czech Republic tv and their new reality show about what is was like to be chased by Nazis in 1939
Also some discussion about Lionel Ritchie and Kenny Rogers
Closing Song: Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy / Sammy Hagar
Total Show Run Time: 2:53