Show starts when Don announces MoneyPit house now has no doors or cabinet doors inside while they are being painted. This leads to no bathroom privacy at all.
Don’s End Od Days: Kathie Lee Gifford gets inducted into the Broadcasting Hall Of Fame, AND Jimmy Fallon is getting his own ride at Universal Studios.
The guys tease the 1976 Paul Lynde Halloween special, with Betty White and Kiss. Circa 1976. Clips to come.
The Marijuana Show. think of Shark Tank for the many businesses being born from the MedMarijuana craze.
Frankie Mc Donald. Is he being taken advantage of, yet again?
Walmart is selling Israeli soldier costumes for kids. And Skeik Fagin noses. The guys (Donald Goldstein and Mark Feinsten) call Wal Mart corporate to complain. And they make a new friend.
A jive site for radio “interviews”. The “course” costs $9.00. No thanks.
Not a lot of calls for the mid week PhoneSca. We did have a call of the day, and a DGS LobsterBib winner, but tomorrow’s effort has to be a bit better, so call early & call often. Thank You!
A shirtless Eagles fan gives a heck of a pre game speech.
Don has a new favorite Prince.
Disabled man forced to crawl off United flight.
* GOP debate tonight, Marco Rubio appears to be a magnet for attacks
* CNBC has sold out commercial inventory for the debate
* Trump down, Carson up, Hillary killing it in Iowa polling
* US has a new anti-ISIS strategy
* Is Caitlyn Jenner “woman” of the year?
* More on the Walmart selling of their latex Sheik Fagin Nose
* Walgreens buying rival Rite Aid
* REI will be closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
* Canada has an eatery making a Reeses Peanut Butter hamburger
Closing Song: California Girls / Beach Boys
Total Show Run Time: 2:55