The guys start by discussing the tragic events in Paris, and Don can not believe how Chris Berman went on about it on ESPN NFL Countdown. With audio.
A Schlomo Goldstein promo about “Donny’s Midnight Graveyard.”
A Money Pit update on Don’s house, and workers speaking of them in tounges.
Kings Things. Kings Things.
A might fine Mondee PhoneScan, with four (4) DGS LobsterBibs awarded! Keep the streak going and win yours tomorrow by calling the show today!
The world’s first vaginal beauty pageant.
Brett Favre sends congrats to Peyton while hunting.
A 911 call about chicken wings and cigarettes.
* 132 killed in Paris
* Washington DC gets warning of more to come from ISIS video
* U2 cancels Paris shows
* No one watched the democratic debate on Sat night on CBS
* CBS brings in debate 7:00 under time
* Trump surging in polls
* Rob Lowe pulls a boner with his France tweets
* Sphere still #1 at the box office
* David Hasselhoff wants to go as “Hoff”
* David Spade was offered Late Night after Letterman and before Conan?
* Peyton Manning benched
* Ronda Rousey upset in UFC match
* Do not give bourbon to a baby
Closing Song: Jackie Blue / Ozark Mountain Daredevils
Total Show Run Time: 2:51