“Mother In Law” 01.04.16

Posted by on Jan 4, 2016 in Announcements |

The show is back, and 2016 starts with a resolution…No more Luke From China Xmas Erotica. Will it hold?
Don’s vacation recap includes Harry Potter at Hertz, kids in first class, a mini train museum, basic cable, an xmas night flu and all out WWIII between Janet and her dear Mother.
Don also lost is wedding ring on this trip, and can not remember where it went.
Frankie Mc Donald sends in a wx report for Sacramento, a joke about eating, and he is put to music by Rich Feinstein.
Some talk of Cosby and Trump and Steve Harvey and other things that happened while we were away.
The return of the 2016 PhoneScan was a huge winner! Let’s continue the trend on tomorrow’s show!
The guys check out the new site For White People Only.
A sneak peek at the new MTV show, “I had my cousin’s baby.”
* Uprising in Oregon
* Obama vs guns
* Texas Gov disagrees with Pres Obama on gun control
* Star Wars continues box office domination
* Don gets a Star Wars spoiler
* Dexter Manley steps in it again

Closing Song: Bend Me, Shape Me / American Breed
Total Show Run Time: 2:45
