The resigned NAACP lady was on the Today show, Don recaps and will have cuts later in the show.
Don announces the first Porch Sittin show, live on Madison Avenue tomorrow morning starting at 6!
Phantom had a birthday party, invited no one from the show. He also got a new iPhone6. Huzzah!
Al Sharpton speaks about NAACP lady.
Stones calls the Kroger grocery store in West Va where a woman had her son crap in the aisle. Newsmaker hotline!
The guys are having a little problem with just one word today. Jay Leno really loves the word.
The Toy joins us via mobile phone for some May I Have A Bite Of That Please? This will not end well.
Smashmouth singer loses his shit on stage.
Luke from China keeps crying the guys never heard the last two chapters of his erotic novel about Phantom, so today was that day. Good luck removing the story from your memory.
Yet another unsuccessful MIHABOTP call from the Toy.
Porno music behind game 5 NBA press confrence?
SO much show today, no time for calls. PHONE SCAN RETURNS TOMORROW
Seth McFarland sings Cyndi Lauper.
A final awful MIHABOTP with the Toy. There will be some sort of punishment tomorrow.
Just how gay is Don’s iPod?
* Rachel Dolezal steps down from NAACP, and all the clips from her Today show interview
* The President had a party Sat night with Price and Stevie Wonder
* Jeb Bush makes if official, he’s running for Pres
* Donald Trump will release a summary of his assets as part of the plan to also run for Pres
* Amy Schumer leaves a massive tip on a $49 bill
* A Queens man let his father’s body lay unclaimed in a morgue in order to steal his pension
* The courts say a Colorado handicapped man can not get high at home
Closing Song: Cover Of The Rolling Stone / Dr Hook & The Med Company
Total Show Run Time: 2:51