“Lost At The Mall” 01.27.17

Posted by on Jan 27, 2017 in Announcements |

Show starts with Carmichael Chris getting kudos for loading many new sounds into Don’s soundboard.

Trump has the TV on loud on Air Force One.

Sean Salisbury joins us for a discussion on the NFL Pro Bowl, Big Ben and a few non football topics.

Janet got lost at the mall again yesterday.

There is a real play in Kenya right now called “Don Geronimo”. Isn’t that something?

Japanese tv game show in which anything might be made of chocolate.

Your calls to our 24/7 VM line! 844.818.1140! Lines open all weekend long.


The O.T. Show with Don, Chris, Kronic Kevin and…Utzig The Mustard Man. Come for the uncomfortable with Bruce, stay for the eyeball licking.

We’ll be back Monday morning with an all new episode. Thanks for listening and subscribing!