Final prep for our show fantasy draft, happening later this afternoon. Who’s in, who’s not, and who will pick up Blind Neal at 12:48 when his buss arrives at the 7/11?
Sounds of the home renovations at the Geronimo estate.
Steven Colbert did A LOT of promos for channel 2 in New York.
The guys call Randy Fowler, brother of Kevin Spacey. Randy is a Rod Stewart imitator and has a limo company. He does NOT want to speak about his brother.
Jared Fogle in a 1985 VH1 special on How To Catch A Predator.
Another Chris Hansen soundboard?!?
A mighty fine PhoneScan, and altho Phantom wanted to award zero DGS LobsterBibs, Don jumped in and the gift was bestowed on the simulated sex caller! Win yours on tomorrow’s show by calling the VM line!
Yankees clubhouse guy says he had sex with Derek Jeter.
Police chief compares African Americans to monkeys.
* Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis freed from jail
* Survivor (the group) objects to their song Eye Of The Tiger being played at a rally for Davis
* Damon Wayans tries to harness his Cosby rape comments
* Trump will call into the View Friday morning
* Man buried alive doing handcuff escape
* Woman tells cops she has a loaded gun in her vagina
Closing Song: Happy / Rolling Stones
Total Show Run Time: 2:52