According to the Enquirer, Kathie Lee Gifford pees in the shower.
Show starts with a peek at the #1 e-book on Amazon, a homoerotic fiction novel titled “Trump Temptation.” Yuk.
Schlomo Goldstein is not dead, despite the note of his death he sent via Heavennote.
Phantom does not know what Perez Hilton looks like, Don thinks the guy who wrote the Trump book is a dead ringer for him, speech and over all look.
Some troubling stories about Rugby players and sex and animals.
Leads to the question, IF Gronk were “accused” of these acts would the Patriots cut him? The guys decide that answer is NO.
Yet another rugby player and his love of “solo water sports”. Don does not see how this is possible.
Don really thinks Trump is manipulating everyone by boycotting the GOP debate tonight.
A TantalizingThursdeePhoneScan had a beginning, an end, and a DGS LobsterBib winner as call o the day! Win yours tomorrow, call and comment on the show or anything, 24/7!
Broncos fans are the sh*t.
Does Montana have the answer to feeding the homeless?
Moron teens mix racning fuel and Mountain Dew. Local new steam, take us away.
* Trump says again, he will not debate
* Fox News Greta Van Sustren viewers say 83% will not watch debate if no Trump
* Five arrested in the hunt for three escaped prisoners from a Southern Cali jail
* NAACP / Phoenix leader in trouble after saying a tv reporter has “nice tis”, oh we have the audio
* Bristol Palin says Tina Fey’s impression of her Mom stinks
* Consumer Reports says the branding of food as “natural” isn’t really so
* Facebook tries to change their “like” function
* NFL cheerleading squads sue successfully for wages they were cheated out of
Closing Song: Ah Leah / Donnie Iris
Total Show Run Time: 2:49