“Hobbling Louis CK” 11.10.15

Posted by on Nov 10, 2015 in Announcements |

Show starts with a tip o the cap to the Star Wars fan whose dying wish was to see the new film. he got to see it, and he passed away. Don has some thoughts on the many such calls the Star Wars franchise gets. That leads to discussion of the movie Misery, and hobbling Louis CK.
Phantom’s POS show debut, and what is the deal with Stones new job?
A neighbor (?) of Don’s makes the local news over “Mee-Maw” smell. We’ll chat with her tomorrow.
Story of a Colorado HS that forfeited a football game because of sexting.
A swingers website, and how to organize a swing party and more.
Today’s PhoneScan was not the best effort ever. Again the segment is on official life support! Do your part, call today to be a part of tomorrow’s show!
* GOP debate alert, it’s tonight
* Is Ben Carson in the hot seat?
* Fox says their commentators won’t suck like MSNBC’s did
* Jeb Bush says he would kill baby Hitler
* Prez Obama Bear Grylls tv show episode set to air in December
* The Pope stumbled in public. Second time in three says

Closing Song: Hooked On A Feeling / BJ Thomas
Total Show Run Time: 2:40
