“Halloween Spooks” 10.11.16

“Halloween Spooks” 10.11.16

Posted by on Oct 11, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don and Little Joe start off by recreating the open after eperiencing a technical difficulty.  Don then talked about how the new Madden game breaks down the third wall.  Don then shared with us why the cops had to come down to the studio yesterday.  Don told us how to fix autocorrect when trying to write f*ck.  Don gave us the latest 15 minutes of fame for Ken Bone.  Donald Smythe made a call to Ruths Chris after their Michigan Wolverines promotion.  Don debuted this years Halloween Spooks.  Don gave us an update on Billy Bush.  Don told us the story of the “New Sound” of Don and Mike.  The boys had a phone scan with another Steve Bryant song.


Little Joe shared with us a fan told him to warn Toy about his new girlfriend.  Don made a call to Trump Chiropractic to see if their business has been affected because of Donald running for president.  And in honor of Daryl Hall turning 70, the boys closed the show with Hall & Oates “Out of Touch”.