The show starts with big time happy birthday wishes to Bart, who turns 30 today! Don remembers Freda’s water breaking 8 weeks early and rushing to the hospital then watching the USFL during labor.
Hannah Storm is the equiv of Julie Ryan at this early hour.
Phantom needs his coffee. HE IS UBER GRUMPY and in MEGA get off my lawn mode! And he used to be a counsellor. And worked in a warehouse. And he has some issues that started in 1991 with the advent of the computer and his marriage vows.
Country radio and that “Girl Crush” song.
Sent in by Brian in the Quad Cities: Can I pee inside my wife during sex?
LISTENER VOICE MAIL SEGMENT was again a big winner! Many great calls (Brit lady reading Hamburger James, Lester Holt from Baltimore, more callers who give themselves monikers), but only one DGS LobsterBig awarded for Call O The Day! Call today, listen tomorrow:
A VHS tape from 1988 as a Mom shuts down a beer party.
The toiler paper tuna guy from Russia.
TV Batman and Robin to voice new animated movie.
* Gate crashers at NSA, men dressed as women
* Boston woman pleads not guilty for claims she was injured during marathon bombing
* Nat Geo gets great ratings for their show “Killing Jesus”
* TV shows with the highest (CBS) and lowest (CW) aged viewers
* Michelle Obama will guest on the Tonight Show
* New streaming service called Tidal
* Two Chicago radio personalities apologize for discussing a local tv anchor’s breasts on Twitter
Closing Song: Mendicino / Sir Douglas Quartet
Total Show Run Time: 2:52