Ask Siri about Catilyn Jenner?
Don’s frustration with Big Brother continues, tho they guys are in agreement about Meg’s body.
The debut of a new radio soap opera, “As The Steve Turns.” An exciting read thru of the first episode, another one Monday.
More men’s choirs singing “Enormous Penis”, plus “Jizz In My Pants.” Then Don pulls out the original version, from the Da Vinci Project. Good times.
Schlomo calls the Maine general store the guys were talking about, the one with wedding gowns, beer and guns.
Don places his daily call to the White House comment line for President Obama. Today Don asks about Trump’s Mexican wall again. Another wonderful operator, who answers questions about “Presidental Greetings.” God Bless America.
Loyal listener Jerry from Portland sends in a Classic Rock edition of Stump The Stoop. Congrats Phant on the win! And conrgrats Don for trying to mix Iron Man by Sabbath and Take Me Home by Cher.
A WONDERFUL FRIDAY phone scan, all great calls and TWO DGS LobsterBibs awarded! Win yours, call the show all weekend long and listen to yourself Monday!
Some Md dads fight it out before their kid’s game.
Women, do not douche! And what’s up w vinegar and water douching?
Jim Bakker thinks the end of the world is near.
A call to Jim Bakker’s “church” to order some freeze dried survivalist food.
* phantom news&comment hi-lites *
“Enormous Penis Barbershop Quartet”