“Cheeseburger in Paradise” 10.4.16

“Cheeseburger in Paradise” 10.4.16

Posted by on Oct 4, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by going over Forbes richest American’s and told us what he would do if he was a billionaire.  Don then told us how lucky Janet is, winning not one but 2 raffles over the weekend.  Little Joe then asked what could be causing the rotten egg smell in his car.  Don went after Chad Dukes for saying him and Mike hate each other.  Don had a list of what you should NOT to say to your kids.  Don called Frankie MacDonald to ask him about his latest joke.  Don then played a group of adults fighting in a Florida Chucky Cheese.  Don talked about the death of the Oscar Mayer jingle creator.  Don talked more about the phenomenon of scary clowns.  The boys had a phone scan which lead to Don and Little Joe singing Cheeseburger in Paradise first line karaoke.


Don shared with us Deadspin’s plea with the MLB to not have Dane Cook as the face of their playoffs.  Don then asked Little Joe why he hates Dane Cook so much?  And the boys closed the show with, Run DMC and “It’s Tricky”.