Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don started off by ripping into the lack of calls, so he played the only call in the bin to begin the show. That call took Don down memory lane about the man who once hung up his Christmas lights. The boys fielded a live call from Aaron in Atlanta, to find out he has a better criminal background than Little Joe. Don then shared his unpleasant experience at the Apple store last night. Don and Little Joe then discussed the homeless man out front of the studio who looked like The Weeknd. Ty Pennington called the show to tell Don how to make furniture out of wooden crates and talked about the time he was naked at school suffering from ADHD. Don and Little Joe then started talking about The Weeknd, which lead the boys to play an all new game show, “Name That Celebrity Alcoholic!” Don educated Little Joe on Tattletales and then educated himself on the host of the show, Bert Convy. Don played a classic tape of Lee Elia losing it on Cubs fans. Little Joe introduced us to the latest rap beef, Shia LaBeouf vs. Soulja Boy. Don played part 3 of Karen’s bizarre gay erotica. The boys had a phone scan including the band Steve Bryant caller. Little Joe threw down some knowledge with some famous dis tracks. Don had his random clips, including news anchors losing it over the word “Beaver”, and Buck Showalter talking about his time on Seinfeld. And in honor of Jim Morrison’s birthday, the boys closed the show with The Doors “Break On...
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