“Carlos Mencia” 10.13.16

“Carlos Mencia” 10.13.16

Posted by on Oct 13, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by taking a call from Toy to address his current dating situation.  Comedian Carlos Mencia stopped by the studio to promote his upcoming shows at the Punchline, (www.PunchlineSac.com).  While in studio Carlos talked about growing up in Honduras, talked about his joke writing process and addressed stealing jokes.  Don had the latest Facebook post from Steve Bryant.  Don gave us an update on his knee.   Don played the difference between LeBron James and Tom Brady being asked about “Locker Room Talk”.  Don debuted “Anus is Vanus”, a song from loyal listener Stehen Gedney.  The boys had a phone scan with calls from “Steve Bryant” to a racist jerk.


Don played his random clips including a millennial couple fighting and a man telling another man to take off his “Sons of Anarchy” cut.  And in honor of Sammy Hagar turning 69, the boys closed the show with “I Can’t Drive 55”.