Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off the show by telling the story of “Little Phil” and the James Brady joke he told on air. Don then talked about the crazy Ryan Lochte robbery story. Don played audio of Michael Phelps returning from the Olympics only to shun reporters. Don then talked about John Hinckley being released from the looney bin. Don played audio of Gordon Ramsay eating a Puffin’s heart. Don read some listener emails. Don and Little Joe talked about Amy Schumer coming out against her former writer, Kurt Metzger, and then played the joke that made Amy famous. Don played a clip of an upset lady losing it on a man who was pleasuring himself on the train. Donald Smythe then made a couple calls, one to Mcdonalds about their all you can eat fries and the other to Nabisco to complain about their Swedish Fish Oreo’s. And in honor of Francis Bean Cobain turning 24, the boys closed the show with Nirvana and “About A Girl”.