Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don addresses how he will pay off the Suicide Squad bet. Little Joe accidentally introduces Don to what a “gilf” is and then Don takes a look at different “ilf” porns. Don talked about Chuck Woolery’s Twitter account and his support for Donald Trump. Don then discussed which game show hosts would be good at politics. Don played a clip of Dennis Rodman explaining how he broke his penis 3 different times. Don then called his brother in law Tom to get an update on his broken penis. Little Joe talked about he still manscapes. The boys had a phone scan with a special call from a naughty nun. Don called a Dunkin Donuts in Shamokin PA to see if they’re open after a teenager set the bathroom on fire. Little Joe played a clip of TI walking out on the Eric Andre Show. And Don played a clip from Good Day Philadelphia where a kid did not want in his carseat. And by random, they closed the show with the Rolling Stones and “Out of...
Read More“GILF” 8.09.16