Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don started off by previewing tonight’s presidential debate and telling us what he’s hoping to see. Don then recapped his weekend and week 3 of the NFL. Don told us why he wants more of CNN’s Jeanne Moos. Don called his brother Jimmy to hear about his drunken Sunday. Don shared with us the racist poster for the Bull Durham Tobacco company. Don told us which new TV shows we must see and which shows we should ignore. Don talked about this years hot Halloween costume, Flo from Progressive…which lead Little Joe to tell us who the richest commercial actors are. Don played for us a video of a man creating a headphone jack in his new iPhone 7. Don made a request for a listener to head over to the Sticky Wicket to see who’s drinking at 9am. The boys had a jam packed phone scan, but no one won the DGS Lobster Bib. Don had his random clips including a woman who believes the world is going to end because of a vision she had and a giraffe feeling up a reporter with his head. And the boys closed the show with Stone Temple Pilots, “Wicked Garden”....
Read More“Can You Hear Me Now?” 9.26.16