Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by talking about a breath spray that makes you have a British accent, so the boys tried it. Don recapped his weekend, including going to the worst renaissance faire, ever. Don then talked about the homeless camp set up in front of the studio this morning. Don then talked about Billy Bush getting fired and NBC paying him a settlement of $10 million. Don then discussed the new allegations against Donald Turmp grooping women. Don told us about his conversation with his drunk brother yesterday. Don shared his love for his high school QB, Jeff Hale. Don then talked about his TV watching over the weekend, including Designated Survive. Don then played Donald Trump suggesting that they should take a drug test prior to the next debate. Don then had a story of his dreams coming true, a company coming out that turns the last of broccoli to chocolate. The boys then had a phone scan with a calls from possibly the most perfect call ever and Josh from Wisconsin. Don then played his random clips including Corey Feldman’s return to the Today Show and Ben Carson defending Donald Trump’s “locker room” talk. Donald Smythe then called an Applebee’s to complain about a woman pulling out her breast. And in honor of Eminem turning 44, the boys closed the show with ‘Without...
Read More“Renaissance Faire” 10.17.16