Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don started off by addressing the internet hack that affected the show Friday. Don then told us what’s wrong with the NFL. Don took a listen to a man with Tourettes singing karaoke. Don then shared a list of the worst things to give at Halloween. Don told us the story of when he called Phil Collins at the hotel, which lead to Phil Collins giving out Don and Mike’s phone numbers in concert. Don then told us about his drunk brothers weekend. Don and Little Joe played a couple very controversial and crazy clips courtesy of Curt Schilling. Don prayed to the lord for the TMZ voice guy to die. Don then shared with the story of a snail named Jeremy, a left handed snail. The boys had a phone scan with a calls that infuriated Little Joe. Don had his random clips including a dog named Jeremy that makes sounds like a ship from Star Wars. Don then told us what costumes NOT to wear this Halloween. And in honor of the Cubs heading to the World Series and the snail and dog named Jeremy, the boys closed the show with Pearl Jam’s...
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