Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by congratulating Frankie MacDonald on predicting the New Zealand earthquake. Don talked about what was on the dildo that was thrown onto the field and the Patriots/Bills game…which lead Don to talk about how God gives bigger penis’ to dumber people. Don then gave us a list of the smartest celebrities according to their IQ test. Don recapped his weekend including the blood work he had to get done, and the drone hovering over his house. The boys discussed Chris Berman and the bags under his. Don watched Conor McGregor become a 2 belt champion Saturday night. Don then talked about Donald Trump’s first appearance on the 60 minutes since being elected president. Don shared with us the story of Black Peter and how the Dutch are already going crazy for him. Don and Little Joe played a very phone backwards Stump The Stoop courtesy of Jerry from Portland. The boys had a phone scan, highlighted by a call for the DGS fanfare party this weekend. Don had his random stories, including a woman who uses sperm as a lotion, and a man who shoved a chopstick in his penis, because it was bleeding. And in honor of Travis Barker’s birthday, the boys closed the show with Blink 182 “What’s My Age Again”....
Read More“That’s Not How You Use Chopsticks!” 11.14.16