Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by making fun of Dan Snyder dancing around to “Jump Around” during last night’s Redskins/Packers game. Don then recapped his weekend with getting stuck in Thanksgiving traffic to finding Byron, the dead rat to not paying for bags at the grocery store. Don told us about a new show that might become a favorite of his, PD Live on A&E. Don then shared pictures of his brothers thumb with Little Joe before calling Jim to ask him “what happened?” During his call with Jim we find out that he took a chunk out of his thumb while building a birdhouse and that he won’t block Glickman despite Don’s request. Don gave us an update on Slow Joe and his recent radio beef with his boss. Don played for us highlights of Kanye’s meltdown during his concert in Sacramento before leaving the stage, and then played Snoop Dogg’s reaction. Little Joe debuted his “Forrest Trump” as he read quotes of Donald Trump as Forrest Gump. The boys ended the show with a phone scan highlighted by Kings Things and outtakes from his Denny’s calls. And in honor of Jimmy’s thumb, the boys closed the show with the Rolling Stones “Under My...
Read More“Under My Thumb” 11.21.16