Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don kicked things off by having his old friend Leah Remini back on the show to promote her new A&E show, Scientology and the Aftermath ( While on Leah talked about her involvement in Scientology, how she got out of it and told Don she would love to do become an investigative journalist if given the chance. Don then talked about the new Kevin James show and how that show needs Leah on it. Don told us about his eventful day of finding a fan for his mancave and dealing with the power outage at the studio. Don and Little Joe once again debate if the Big Bang Theory is good. Don shares his Andy Rooney “Too Many” story…which lead Little Joe to share his story of fat Peter King getting stuck on a barrier at the Super Bowl. Don played for us his new favorite songs on his iPod. Don then played a very interesting gay erotica reading courtesy of Karen and Rich Feinstein. Don then annoyed Little Joe by playing a youtube channel dedicated to scratching lotto tickets. Don then played part 2 of Karen’s reading while mixing in the lotto guy. The boys had a phone scan highlighted with Steve Bryant and an idea for Don staring in a new sitcom, “King of Roseville”. Don had his random clips including a woman cooked to death in the desert, Piers Morgan getting sick watching Madonna twerk and a woman getting a cockroach removed from her ear. And in honor of Ted Knight’s birthday, the boys closed the show with Weezer and “Buddy...
Read More“Leah Remini” 12.7.16