Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by talking about the horrible “morning zoo” TV that’s on these days. Don told us about the new dogs he getting, “Theodore” and “Tiger”. Don played a clip of Ryan Seacrest thinking Jeffery Tambor is the scary guy on the subway in Ghost. Don welcomed Sean Salisbury to the show where Sean talked about how pathetic the new “Romphim” is. Don played Shepard Smith’s 15 minute tribute to Roger Alies. Don called Goodday to ask them why they’re playing tetherball on air. Don talked about the fall of Jimmy Fallon before getting to a phone scan. Don then had his random stories including a security guy masturbating at a Chargers game. And in honor of Pete Townsend’s birthday, the boys closed the show with The Who and “Mama’s Got A Squeeze...
Read More“Sean Salisbury” 05.19.17