Don starts Phantom’s morn with a just released photo of Cat Jenner at 430am. Is Audrey from Big Brother strung out on the Xanax? Trump vs Graham, who is the bigger clown? A former MTV Real World contestant is still being stalked 10 years later. Vinnie Booch joins the show to discuss WWE Raw, The Undertaker, the Divas, and some facts about the male organ. Meatus in the house. Please check out Vinnie’s podcast everyday live from Atlanta. A downright great PHONESCAN with a DGS LobsterBib awarded to “Bruce Jenner’s Vagina!” Win yours tomorrow by calling the show today! Don wants these underpants that mask your fart smell. Never put a loaded shotgun to your head, son. A news story from Anywhere, USA. Sleepwalking girl plays piano. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Newsweek reporters barred from the courthouse form the remainder of the Aurora theatre shootings * Hillary trails GOP opponents in Colorado, Virginia and Iowa * Trump assures voters he has a “Presidential side” * Ashley Madison hackers out two members * Bill Simmons signs new deal with HBO * Lebron James goes Hollywood * Jurrasic World passes The Avengers in box office totals * Sharknado 3, spoilers and everything Closing Song: Shining Star / Earth, Wind & Fire Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“From The Neck To The Knees” 7.23.15