Show starts with a discussion on NFL point spreads for pre season games. That leads to another listen of the Robert Kraft audition tape from a few years ago. The guys love the new season of Hard Knocks. Don had a heavy tv night last night, Hard Knocks, America’s Got Talent, Suits and Big Brother. Schlomo calls newsmakers from yesterday, Congresswoman Ann Wagner (booger eater), and the Lowes store that replaced a black driver with a white one for a racist customer. Thanks Schlomo Goldstein! Loyal listener Jerry from Portland does deliver a soft rock StumpTheStoop, and also some grunge! The guys talk to Briana Manson from “Little Women: LA” on TLC. A great conversation with a fantastic lady! Everything from genitals to the show to singing the National Anthem at the Padres game on Monday night. Make sure you DVR Briana’s show! PHONESCAN was a good one….Phantom was feeling cranky, no DGS LobsterBib awarded! Make your calls now for tomorrow’s show, there will be multiple winners Friday! A dildo war in NYC. Police looking for leaf blowing movie pranksters. We will NOT be having this guy on the show, he wants to use iPhones as brake pads. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * A violent riot at Folsom prison * More Bill Cosby accusers * New Hampshire polling shows Sanders leading Clinton * Jimmy Carter is battling cancer * Feces in the water at Rio for the Olympics * Ryan Seacrest gets gig hosting NBC late night Olympics coverage * Pa beauty queen facing criminal charges for faking cancer * S.C. man arrested for stealing steaks from Food Lion. In his colostomy bag. * Follow up with Orlando tv guy who walked off set over a Kardashian story * Steve Martin, banjo player * Michael Sam is not making friends in the CFL Closing Song: Come On Down To My Boat / Every Mother’s Son Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Sporn” 8.12.15
Paul Mc Cartney’s out takes from a 1991 promo reel. Many thanks to our webmaster, Lorne James, and loyal listener Karen! for the new spot on our website to hear Karen’s erotic poetry (as heard on the show). It is spoken word porn, or “Sporn.” Sorry, the domain name is already taken. Phantom’s fav little person sings the National Anthem at the San Diego Padres game last night. King’s Things, Phantoms Thing’s, now Don’s Things. Columbia Record Club declares bankrupcy. Things that would get you institutionalized in the 1800’s. Good Day Sacramento’s 20th anniversary. Everyone gets a mention (even Mark Mathis!) but none for Don. Gerry from Portland sends in a great Stump The Stoop, 90’s music! Thanks and we love the game. Many calls on today’s PhoneScan, but none thick enough for a DGS LobsterBib. Will there be a winning call tomorrow?!? Missouri Congresswoman eats booger on live tv. Lowes and a racist customer and the black delivery driver. Woman fingered by cops after traffic stop. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Dozens of NY prisoners allege guards physically abused them while seeking info on the inmates who escaped * Trump continues to lead, this time in Iowa * Steven Colbert’s first show will feature Jeb Bush * Hillary Clinton and email’s marked “top secret” * FDA vs Kim Kardashian * The whole story of Rosie Perez leaving The View * Brian Williams set to return to tv news * NYJ QB Geno Smith and his broken jaw * Big ratings for the Trump debate on FoxNews * George Lopez coming back to tv * Alligator and grizzly bear attacks Closing Song: Ebony Eyes / Bob Welch Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“No Fantasy League For Jimmy” 8.11.15
Show starts with a call to brother Jim about joining the show’s 2015 FantasyFootballLeague. Jim responds as only he can. A call to Abe Vigoda on the passing of Frank Gifford, Abe takes the call but asks to call back. A call to Dennis Murphy at the preordained time for au update from Utah. No answer from Dennis. Phantom reveals his version of “King’s Things.” Captain Kangroo was into water sports? Dennis calls in, 30 min late from Utah. On your tax dime., Don feels this is a waste of everybody’s time. A might fine PHONE SCAN today, the DGS LobsterBib goes to the “X Box” caller! Win yours tomorrow by calling the show anytime today! 24/7 A crazy rape story from Indian tv. Best vendor in MLB is a guy who sells lemonade in Arizona. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * More violent protests in Ferguson, Mo. * More than 78000 GOP tv spots have aired so far this year * Melissa Gilbert is running for the US House of Reps * Good Day Orlando anchor walks off? *Google to overhaul and become a new company, Alphabet * U S Coast Guard finds more than $1 Billion worth of cocaine * LAPD adds security for the premiere of “Straight Outta Compton” * More lineup news for The Late Late Show * Kevin Pollak discusses being killed off on the sitcom, “Mom” Closing Song: I Can’t Stop Dancing / Archie Bell & The Drells Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“RIP Giff” 8.10.15
Don is elated the NFL is back! Don’s weekend recap, briefly interrupted by a computer shut down. (reason today’s show is in TWO parts) Big Brother news about Shelli and her brother. A Steve Bryant spotting…with his guitar. RIP Frank Gifford. Don’s eulogy follows. Steve-O in jail after his stunt in LA last night. KINGS THINGS! Phantom disliked this week’s offerings so much he has been invited to make his own for tomorrow’s show. PHONE SCAN Time, and there WAS a DGSLobsterBib given away whilst a lot of cowbell was being played. Win yours tomorrow by calling the show Today! * Trump fires campaign adviser * Some GOP members think Trump’s rise has ended and he start trending down * Frank Gifford dies one week before his 85th birthday * Bill Murray will cameo in the new Ghostbusters movie along with Dan Akroyd * Louie CK taking an ‘extended hiatus’ from his FX show * Jon Stewart’s last Daily Show 3.5 million viewers Closing Song: Enjoy The Silence / Depeche Mode Total Show Run Time: 2:28 Larry David golfs with POTUS. “Yeah, I Got Skills.” PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT...
Read More“Weekend Blastoff” 8.07.15

Phantom is late, his chariot would not start this morning. Don is elated that Tu, his DirectTv repair guy got his tv’s up and running again. PS: The G’s have six (6) boxes, not five. #whitepersonproblems Lots of debate talk. T-R-U-M-P! Lots of Big Brother talk. C-L-A-Y! Don was Googling “weekend blastoff” before today’s show and came across the “Ace & TJ” show that currently has this fine feature. A call to their show ensues. Checkers employee tosses bun on ground. Checkers makes apology video. A call to Checkers Security (a real part of their company!) ensues. Tampa Bay Bucs new program for women, “Red.” Phone Scan Time, and it’s an exceptional one today! DGS LobsterBib to “David, David Haynes!” Win yours Monday by calling the show anytime all weekend long! Alabama’s “new” beastiality laws! Coffe mug bong? PHANTOM BEWS& COMMENT HI LITES: * Pissing on walls in SF * GOP Debate, more Trump-isms * Rosie O’Donnell weighs in on the debate * Jennifer Anniston gets married * Jon Stewart’s last Daily Show * Don reviews the new movies he hasn’t seen yet * Bill Hader to join Brooklyn Nine-Nine * Gordon Ramsey signs new two year deal with Fox Closing Song: All Those Years Ago / George Harrison Total Show Run Time:...
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