Update from gas mask central at Don’s house. Washington Redskins GM’s wife sends out tweets about ESPN reporter trading sex for scoops. Don does not understand the Chicago teen naming his brain tumor after Aaron Rodgers. Many remixes today…Death Metal Abba, Smooth Jazz Korn, Polka Marilyn Manson and Bosa Nova Motley Crue. Thanks for Gerry in Portland for the tapes of the Beatles cussing! The Muffin Man! Lots of fun call son today’s PHONESCAN! There was a DGS LobsterBib giveaway, to the “Glickman boner” caller. Win yours tomorrow by calling the show anytime! Lotto tickets that smell like BBQ in North Carolina. How many men did the Golden Girls sleep with? Phantom news&comment hi-lites: * More than 300,000 dead veterans are still listed in VA computers as actively trying to sign up for health care * Donald Trump picks a fight with Kareem Abdul Jabbar * Tatum O’Neal dating Rosie O’Donnell * Who is the duo rumored to be hosting this years Oscars? * Last minute additions to DWTS * Melissa Rivers scatters her mother’s ashes one year after her passing * Janice Dickinson has bad reaction to bee sting on Celebrity Big Brother UK * Cate Blanchett set to portray Lucille Ball * Mc Donalds about to offer breakfast 24/7 Closing Song: Man In The Mirror (metal version) / Michael Jackson Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Formaldehyde” 9.02.15
Update from Don’s house: The painters are using a primer that has formaldehyde. That can hazardous to your health, so Janet is now wearing an industrial strength gas mask around the house. Check out pic of Janet with mask on Don’s twitter @DonGeronimoShow. Some discussion of morning evacuations, and how the Geronimo’s love their Squatty Potty. Don’s day getting his California medical marijuana renewal. Taylor Swift farting. The guys talk with Mark Speckman, football coach with no hands from Appleton, Wisconsin. He has been in national stories as the state of Wisconsin has denied him a drivers license. That is followed with a call to the Cheese Factory in Beloit, Wisconsin where Don grew up. Does it still smell downtown? Fantasy Football, the DGS league is just about completed! We’ve scheduled the draft for next Wed at 2pm! A fine PHONE SCAN, with the winning call going to “Steve Bryant”. Win your DGS LobsterBib by calling the show now, any subject is welcome! The annual list from Beloit College. Man’s sexual demands gave wife PTSD. Cussing parrots! PHANTOM NEWS&CO0MMENT HI LITES: * Showers installed at Auschwitz * Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child porn charges * Gary Bussey to join cast of DTWS * Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis refuses to grant marriage licenses to gay couples * Trump helps Megan Kelly to highest ratings on Fox News * Scheduling wars in late night * Coach NOT coming back to NBC * Miley Cyrus hosted VMA’s on MTV lowest rated ever * Real life fight club with kindergarden children in New Jersey * How Sony Pictures caved to the NFL over the movie Concussion Closing Song: Midnight At The Oasis / Maria Muldaur Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillroy” 9.01.15

Renovations continue at Don’s house. Due to fumes, Janet is wearing a gas mask. It had to be done. Yoko and Whitney! It had to be done. Trump…China and Vagina! The guys talk with Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillroy about race in 2015, the N bomb, and Don’s proposed “N Hour” on CNN and Fox News. Wait for the Phantom endorsement! Kings Things! Fake Jay Wuck checks in. PHONE SCAN TIME, and Phantom bestows DGS LobsterBibs on ALL callers today! Win yours tomorrow, call the show anytime 24/7! Many idiots claiming the Virginia tv shooting was a hoax. Wisconsin man denied drivers lis, he has no hands. David Letterman’s beard?!? Leeches that can only survive in the rectums of Hippos. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Deflategate to be decided by a judge by Friday * Ben Carson ties Donald Trump in Iowa poll * President Obama to appear on Running Wild With Bear Grylls * Steven Colbert’s second week of guests announced * CBS cancels Under The Dome * Today show again beating Good Morning America Closing Song: Legs / ZZ Top Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Germans In The Pool” 8.31.15

Back from vacation with some stories, Don’s started with run in with “Kathy Bates” at the pool condo in Maui. Also in the pool with a family from Germany, and then the fellows from Canada and their tale of gun play on holiday. Plus hurricanes coming at Hawaii, 85 yr old hula fancers, and Janet’s birthday celebration. Big news from Bart & Nicole…they are pregnant! Baby (sex still unknown) due in early February! Big Brother talk, even when on vacation they guys still watch and worry about the people in that house. Some discussion on the live on air shooting last week. After a week off, there were PLENTY of calls, just none that were DGS LobsterBib worthy. That just means more bibs on tomorrow’s show, so call out 24 hr VM line right now! Trump says “China”… Miley Cyrus cusses. The two are meshed together. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Trump is up, Hill is down * More on the shooting of the reporter and cameraman killed in Virginia last week * RIP Oliver Sacks, Dr Wayne Dyer and Wes Craven * Melissa Rivers to host Fashion Police tonight on E! * Tila Tequila kicked off the UK Celebrity Big Brother * Paula Deen reported to be the biggest get for this years DancingWithTheStars Closing Song: No Matter What / Badfinger Total Show Run Time:...
Read MoreON VACATION, we are BACK MONDAY August 31st
The Don Geronimo Show is on vacation for a week. Make your own Best Of’s by going to the archives and downloading past episodes, they’re all there…along with every show on video! LucyLou will host our chat room during show hours all week long! Our live show returns Monday, August 31st! THANK YOU for subscribing and listening to our...
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