It’s 9/11, Never Forget. A recap of yesterday’s draft, and the real story of Blind Neal, his edible, and Stone McCoy. Phantom shares some photos of the senior citizens in his computer class. Who will be today’s celeb picker for the NFL segment? It won’t be Dr Phil. Don had the number for Dr Phil tickets in his contacts, so the guys called. Needless to say, they never spoke to Dr Phil. The guys are pleased with the way Big Brother is unfolding. They are happy the twins are broken up and that Judas is back. Don really liked the first few Steven Colbert Late Shows. He thinks they are working the smart guests with the entertainment types real well. A call to brother Jim. How was the Labor Day Party? And who does Jim pick in the Chicago/Green Bay game? A call to Abe Vigoda. Does his phone work today? Who does Abe pick in the NY Giants/Dallas game? Then the actual NFL week one pick em segment, with guest picker Dennis P Murphy! Come for the picks, stay for his Xmas album, still on sale somewhere. A fine Fridee PhoneScan! The winning call was from “Cait Jenner.” Enjoy your DGS LobsterBib! Win yours Monday by calling the show all weekend long! A man from Boston who hasn’t bathed in 12 years. And it’s not Noodles. 9th graders in Houston ruin assembly with their awful texts. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI LITES: We start with some therapy from Phantom. He was upset a sports anchor on KHTK gave the score of a game as 5-11 in stead of 11-5. There’s more than just that….THEN the news! * Sacramento parade of heroes, today on 9/11 * Donald Trump calls the View, it goes as expected * Trump still leading the polls * A number of Bill Cosby’s accusers appeared on Dr Phil yesterday * Steven Colbert Late Show ratings down 50% night one to night two * Brian Williams to debut on MSNBC Sept 22nd * Glenn Back says Sarah Palin is a clown Closing Song: God Bless America / Kate Smith Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“You Can Pick Your Nose, Your Friends, Your Fantasy Team” 9.10.15
After a few team songs, the 2015 DGS Fantasy Draft begins! The teams include Don, Phantom, Stones, Kristina Werner, Aaron From Baltimore, Blind Neal, In Romo We Trust, and Jerkman (with picking done by superfan Bruce Utzig). Order of the draft by random number selection. The Bloody Mary bar is open! Utzig also brought his own smoothie drinks, he is pouring rum in the blender. 2 Hours later, it’s pretty much done. The room wreaks of root beer and cheese. It is 102 degrees outside, and even with the A/C cranked it was 75 in the studio with all the people close in together. All that’s left is to pick the league name, and we are ready for tonight’s kickoff! We’ll be back with our normal show tomorrow morning, including our Pick The Pros segment with our first guest picker of 2015! Closing Song: Chicago Bears Shuffle / Chicago Bears Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Kevin Spacey’s Brother” 9.09.15
Final prep for our show fantasy draft, happening later this afternoon. Who’s in, who’s not, and who will pick up Blind Neal at 12:48 when his buss arrives at the 7/11? Sounds of the home renovations at the Geronimo estate. Steven Colbert did A LOT of promos for channel 2 in New York. The guys call Randy Fowler, brother of Kevin Spacey. Randy is a Rod Stewart imitator and has a limo company. He does NOT want to speak about his brother. Jared Fogle in a 1985 VH1 special on How To Catch A Predator. Another Chris Hansen soundboard?!? A mighty fine PhoneScan, and altho Phantom wanted to award zero DGS LobsterBibs, Don jumped in and the gift was bestowed on the simulated sex caller! Win yours on tomorrow’s show by calling the VM line! Yankees clubhouse guy says he had sex with Derek Jeter. Police chief compares African Americans to monkeys. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis freed from jail * Survivor (the group) objects to their song Eye Of The Tiger being played at a rally for Davis * Damon Wayans tries to harness his Cosby rape comments * Trump will call into the View Friday morning * Man buried alive doing handcuff escape * Woman tells cops she has a loaded gun in her vagina Closing Song: Happy / Rolling Stones Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Neighbors Up The Ass” 9.08.15
Read More“Peddlers Of Misery” 9.04.15

No news is good news from the construction front at the Geronimo home. Phantom has enrolled in a computer class at a local community college. Kayne West’s VMA speech Seinfeld-ized. A call to brother Jim to see about his Labor Day plans. Turns out he’s got quite a bash planned, with the band Left Of Reason. Check them out on YouTube., Don wants to get these people on the air to explain this site. The guys are upset about the evictions on BigBrother 17. And they hate Vanessa, the girl with the doggy face. Two great new educational films, one from the 60’s and one from the 70’s. Don’t be a square! A robust FridayPhoneScan had a bunch of great calls, and Phantom DID award a DGS LobsterBib to our call of the day. Win yours Tuesday by calling the show anytime during this Holiday weekend! Is “Slave Tetris” offensive? Man kills himself taking selfies with his gun. Hulk Hogan gets emotional with Amy Roabach. Aka Amy Roadblock. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HI-LITES: * Kim Davis, Court Clerk from Kentucky has been put in jail * Tom Brady = no suspension * Roger Goodell will NOT be attending the NFL’s opening Thursday night game in New England * One killed by a gunman on the Sacramento City College campus yesterday * Should there be a parade for the US men who foiled a French terrorist attack on Sept 11th? * CNN charging HUGE ad rates for next GOP debate * Josh Duggar’s porn star ex sex partner has some advice for him…get help * Steven Colbert’s 1st CBS show will run 9 minutes over * Ciara still wants you to know she and Russell Wilson aren’t having sex Closing Song: (Hey Baby) They’re Playing Our Song/ Buckinghams Total Show Run Time:...
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