Happy Birthday Don! Don’s BD wish to you all: Don’t be THAT guy at the gas station car wash! Congrats Phantom for passing your computer class that has no actual credit. All is set for Don’s Bunny Ranch party for Dennis Hof tomorrow night in Reno. Olvie Garden brings back endless pass, sells out in minutes. Two Russian pranksters make a fake call to Elton John pretending to be Vlad Putin. It’s a good prank, but sad for Elton. The guys are joined by Vinny Booch for this week’s “Pick The Pros” segment. Besides quite a few good sports takes, Vinny also discusses his most recent sexual conquest, a woman of the evening from Atlanta. Price: $40.00 US Dollars. Next up is Jason La Canforia from The NFL Today on CBS. Jason gets deep into the business of information in the NFL, and how to keep info with so many others looking for the same stories. Plus talk of the Houston Texans and whats goin on in Indianapolis. Thanks Jason, and enjoy your wine! A Fine Fridee PhoneScan! Every call was bib-worthy, but only Phant decides who gets the DGS LobsterBib for being caller of the day! Call all weekend long, we never sleep. Robot says FU on live BBC tv. Idiot shoots his own truck, video of the day. Masturbating on the subway, a tv report. PHANTOM NEWS&COMMENT HIL-LITES: * Trump gives huge ratings to CNN during GOP Debate * Jeb Bush back off remarks about Margret Thatcher on the $10 bill * Scott Walker named as biggest loser at debate * Man who assisted Dylan Roof has been arrested by the FBI * Buffalo Wild Wings has dropped Steve Rannazzisi as spokesperson * Johnson & Johnson pulls ads from The View after comments about Miss America contestants * Don reviews the new movies he hasn’t seen including Black Mass w Johnny Depp * Emily Blunt apologizes for offhand joke * Craig Furgeson returns to tv on the History Channel * NBC green lights series based on a prequel of the movie “Taken” * Dogs found safe in Washington state! Closing Song: Hello (Good Morning) / P. Diddy Total Show Run Time:...
Read More“Forty Dollars” 9.18.15