“An Utzig Mustard Thanksgiving” 11.25.15

Posted by on Nov 25, 2015 in Announcements |

Don starts the show by thanking all of our subscribers for their continued support!
Money Pit at Don’s house continues. The newest “end date” is now December 3rd, more than a month late. Don and Janet are not happy campers.
A dumpster diver outside the studios at 5am, pic on Twitter.
Video of Dennis Murphy performing “Edmund Fitzgerald” is now posted at the @DGSP page on Twitter for you.
The weekly Supergirl discussion includes january Jones and the documentary aabout the planned 1998 film “Superman Lives.”
A perusal of the National Enquirer for the news leads to the ads, including a full page ad for a $19.99 hearing aid. The guys call the number as a nearly deaf couple. Hilarity ensues.
Day before turkey day PhoneScan was a good one and yes, a DGS LobsterBib was awarded to call o the day! Call our 24/7 VM line all holiday weekend for Monday’s show!
A man who sings the Adele song “Hello” in 25 different styles.
Bruce Utzig aka The Mustard Man shows up with donuts and CASE OF FRENCH’S MUSTARD to celebrate the season! Bruce stays in studio to pick this week’s NFL games and answer a few personal questions.
* Pres Obama pledges assistance to France
* Ben Carson appears to be slipping in the GOP polls
* E.coli breakout at Costco, chicken salad
* Don reviews all the new movie he hasn’t seen yet
* Neilsen tv ratings, who’s on top this week
* Johnny Football gets demoted in Cleveland for partying
* Opening times for every possible store on Thanksgiving itself, forget Black Friday

Closing Song: Pleasure / The Soup Dragons
Total Show Run Time: 2:48
