Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off with yet another unpleasant interaction with a very angry homeless woman. Don then told us the story of Janet and the school bus. Little Joe shared a few more stories of the crazies in jail. Don and Joe discussed the breaking news of the day, that Barry Manilow is a gay! Don and Little Joe talked about the problem with social media before Don played clips of his favorite show, Batman. Weather reporter extraordinaire, Frankie MacDonald gave us the latest forecast of Northern California. Comedian Adam Ray ( joined the boys to promote his upcoming shows at the Punchline in San Francisco. While on the show Adam talked about being a funny fat kid and broke the news that he will be on the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The boys had a phone scan before giving the latest update on Bill O’Reilly. And in honor of the 15th anniversary of Layne Staley’s passing, the boys closed the show with Alice in Chains “No Excuses”.
“Adam Ray” 04.06.17