Forgotten 45: Overnight Sensation/ Rasberries
Opening Song: Funk 49 / James Gang
Don cal smell and taste again! Huzzah. A nation rejoices.
Storm Watch! Don feels the upcoming storm is overhyped. And the guys enjoy Marianne’s lumps of coal in her sweater on Good Day.
A call to bro Jimmy! Beside the fact Jim’s (or someone’s?!?) phone dropped three separate times, we learn of Jimmy’s shoulder woes. His painkillers, and the cousin with caner in her eye.
Jean Luc Piccard this holiday season, Make It So. Phantom hates this.
White guy pulled over by a cop get sour of ticket with his Rubik’s cube.
Sara Jingle Boobs, is she coming on the show tomorrow?
A few Xmas tapes, and a bonus ECB call to Swap Shop radio.
Bob Zmuda, and his latest take on Andy Kaufman. Is he still alive? Check out Bob’s book, “Andy Kaufman: The Truth, Finally” now on!
Back To The Future II in 2015: All the stuff they got wrong. What did they get right and leave out of the film?
Phantom News & Comment Hi Lites: Cuba Gooding Jr to play OJ, Seat kickers on airplanes, different class of travelers now on Delta Airlines, and the SAG Awards are announced. And talk of the CIA and how they tortured bad guys in the day. And some George W Bush fun.
Closing Song: When We Was Fab / George Harrison
Total Show Run Time: 2:59