What’s Happening Today!

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Misc. | 23 comments

old-radio-djWell hello dere! As you can’t hear, that’s the sound of construction happening here at the studios of  TDGS. A new dedicated  air conditioning system is being installed for the broadcast bunker, with lights and cameras to follow. Plus we are still getting all the equipment we had swapped out for NEW stuff (amazing the crap we were sent by the other company)…and getting it all set soon for a final studio test. Then we have to get some tech stuff set with our new partner, U Stream -did someone say a live show from U Stream HQ in San Francisco?- and finish the mammoth task of getting all your subscriptions grandfathered in while welcoming new subscribers. So we are still a wee bit out from getting the show back on the air. But getting CLOSER every stinkin day! We won’t have an Elvis death day show this year (cause it’s soon) on the actual day, but I will give you guys the unedited Elvis show you want as soon as we get back up and running. And we do have a new toll free number for you to call on, and 10 phone lines ready to service you. I know many of you feel like rats on crack without the show. I feel the same way being off the air. But it will all be worth it very very soon. More updates as they happen!


Here’s to swimming with bowlegged women,


Don Geronimo, deejay