Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by recalling his first time at the zoo, when he first discovered monkey’s throw their poop. Don then talked about a promotion him and Mike had with a monkey. The boys took a call from Brian who was in the shower…which lead Don to tell us how to properly wash yourself. Don then afforested the homeless situation out front of the studio. We discover that Little Joe is a ninja who owns a samurai sword. Don then played Peter Griffin on the bus with Donald Trump and Billy Bush. Don gave us the latest clown news of the day. The boys played a Foreign or Domestic in Las Vegas in honor of tonight’s presidential debate. Don then gave us a list of the top NFL mascots. The boys then had a phone scan highlighted by their only caller, the Finger Guy.
Don and Little Joe played a clip of Michael Irvin saying that Ezekiel Elliott makes him want to “spend some alone time” with himself. That then lead Little Joe to tell his Michael Irvin story. Don then had his random clips including three people hitting the a dollar and a woman who lost 245lbs due to her sex life. And in honor of that woman the boys closed the show with Queen and “Fat Bottomed Girls”.