“Nipple Hair” 8.10.16

Posted by on Aug 10, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by talking about the state of radio and what he misses most about it.  Don then talked about Hard Knocks and how stupid the Rams rookie Jared Goff is.  Don recapped the most recent Ray Donavan.  Don then got into the twitter war between Aaron in Atlanta and A’lyce the naughty nurse.  Don and Little Joe discussed their run ins with women with breast hair.  Don and Little Joe then talked about Marvin Gaye/Ed Sheeren lawsuit.  Little Joe once again talked about how hurt he is by his once good friend Dave Deuce Mason.  The boys had a phone scan before playing a clip of a podcast from the news anchors of Fox 5 in DC.


Little Joe read the latest Steve Bryant Facebook rant.  Don had his random clips including a Chicago sports anchor ripping NBC’s coverage of the Olympics, a old man stuck on a bus and Donald Trump saying the Second Amendment people may know how to take care of Hillary Clinton.  And in honor of Suicide Squad doing so well, the boys closed the show with INXS and “Suicide Blonde”.